Whats your favorite way to smoke mary jane?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Well, we made it home. I didn't update like I said I would. While in the moment I guess blogging wasn't that big of a deal to me.

Anyhow. We left Thursday night, and got to our hotel Friday afternoon. We checked in, and our room was bitchin :) Suites rock, only way to go! Especially considering that this hotel was only like 58 bucks a night. And it came with so much! But enough about that, we pretty much slept a lot of this trip, because the bed was sooo comfy. Our bed here at home has springs coming out the sides and just kills us during the night. I have to take a sleep aid because it sucks so hard! But we slept like babies!

We went shopping the next day, got a new piece. Went to the concert. Ending up going later than we had hoped. I blame traffic, and our gps didn't take us to the address like we thought it would. LAME. But we ended up finding it on accident, lol, and made it in enough time to see some bands. Three Days Grace was AMAZING!!!!! I love them sooo much! But where we were sitting, I'm pretty sure I was the only real tdg fan. Which sucked!! If I was on the ground level, I would have been freakin the fuck out!


Then we slept away a day, but got up and then went shopping a bit more, and got Canes chicken. Pretty tasty! Stayed up all night, and had a good time. Our last day we went to the Columbus Zoo. Which was aight, it was super hot, so that made it un-enjoyable. But the zoo itself was pretty sweet. Got some souvenirs. Then we made our long journey home on little sleep.

Came back, went to a friends house to try out some new stuff we got on our way back, and picked up our kitty!! Missed her so much.

And now trying to get back to daily life. Actually, Ill rephrase, trying to care about getting back to daily life.

And that sums that up in a nutshell.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rock on the Range

I cant believe that in just a few short days, Ryan and I will be in Ohio! I'm completely excited to take this road trip with him. It will be our first time away, and alone together. Not to mention we have a hotel suite, with an indoor pool/hot tub and king size bed! :) I'm happy that I get to experience this with him. And from where Im standing the first will not be the last!

As for the concert... STOKED! We get to see like 15 rock bands, and its in a stadium setting. Which will be awesome. I would rather sit back and watch my favorite bands play from a distance, while I listen to them live.. than to get in a mosh pit and lose all my shit and hurt myself and not enjoying the music.

Thats what life is about anyway. Stopping, and listening, seeing, feeling.

I want to really remember this trip, so I will be updating frequently! I think I can post blogs from text on my phone to here. I'm about to test this out. So thanks for reading! Cant wait to start sharing memories!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Only Safe Place

You see a boy, hes got your attention.
He says hello, you start to sweat. Feel that tention.
Read his eyes. They reveal a deeper being.
What if maybe? This I gotta see.
You want to know more, intriged you are.
Embrace the chemistry. Who knows how far?
Rocky roads, and unpaved ways.
Makes it hard, everyday.
But then you look at that boy, hes got you soaring.
Higher than you ever were, self restoring.
Found yourself. Found your soulmate.
You made it through, got your fate.
We make our own, or fall into others.
He picked you, not another.
Smile that smile, and light up your face.
Hes your home now, your only safe place.

I support NORML.

Yesterday on May 17, 2010, there was a debate. "Should Marijuana Be Legalized?" I have watched this video. And I have commented on there blog. But I wanted to express my opinions on facebook as well. Here is the link, you might see my comments on there, but I have revised what I have said there and put it here.


To whom it may concern,

Would you like to know what would help us to get out of debt? Marijuana. Its a simple process really. Ya see, you have this seed, and you put it in the ground. And then you wait for it to grow. And you pick the buds off, and you sell it to people. Instant cash. And its all natural. I mean, what better way to make money then that? Especially with a clean conscience. You didn’t concoct this in your basement with some rat poison and tar. You grew this yourself. Its not going to kill anyone. And its not going to rot our teeth out and make us crack whores. Its just going to make us laugh a little more and calm us the fuck down.

Wanna know something else? Those people that are locked up for “possession”, “drug pushers” and whatever other name you want to stick on them. Yeah, well they are wasting the tax payers money. Not to mention, its wasting their LIFE and a lot of time because of a plant. A lot of those people are hard working citizens that wanted to make some extra cash on the side. What harm is that? They might have enough cash to go to the store and spend money on things that a family needs. And then the store of their choice gets BUSINESS. Thats called making the economy go round.

As for its other uses besides money. Its a pain reviler. Smoking Marijuana is one of the best ways to relive stress. And help with pain. If you're nervous, it calms you down. Anxious, it helps relax you. AND its a whole lot healthier than taking a couple shots or drinking a whole fifth after work. You can't get addicted to it. Unlike other drugs. The EVERYDAY caffeine, or nicotine, alcohol, etc.

They have patches and programs, and gum, and rehab for people that smoke tobacco and drink alcohol. You don't see anything to help you get over the use of Marijuana. Because its natural, and its not a harmful drug. Its a plant that you grind up, put in a pipe and smoke. It didn't come from a factory or home made lab.

Tobacco and alcohol have more negative side effects than Marijuana. I understand the argument about America having access to too many drugs, and why should we make another drug legal?

I think that Marijuana should have been legal before anything else. Then probably the use of tobacco and then alcohol. Marijuana is the least negative. Why would that be the last thing to become legal?

Look at the side effects of Meth, Cocaine, Heroine, etc. You rapidly lose weight. Become highly, sometimes violently, addicted. Rotten teeth. Other physical changes, that can never be repaired. The list goes on.

You know what happens if you smoke Marijuana? Hungry. Happy. Sleepy. Red eyes and dry mouth as a physical result. If you abuse this substance to all extremes, then you might have some motor skill problems and cognitive issues. Or in other words “slow”.. But if you want to roll a joint or smoke a bowl occasionally, you will have little to no real side effects. And you CAN NOT become addicted.

Your body becomes use to things that you do everyday. How you eat, sleep, work. What you put into your body, Marijuana, tobacco, alcohol, etc. It is going to adjust to what you do and how you live.
The outcome has side effects. Alcohol damages your liver, heart, brain, causes disease. Tobacco damages your lungs, causes cancer. And Marijuana causes you to be hungry, happy and sleepy.

Sorry I would much rather stick with pot, than a cancer stick, or have to get my stomach pumped because I drank too much.